So, now that I've joined the blogging bandwagon....Now what? Do I go on and on about how important art making is for me? Do I risk putting my most intimate feelings out there in cyberspace? I guess, as usual, I'll just jump right in and start somewhere in the middle. This modus operandi has worked for me thus far. I guess I'll need to let you know why I'm here, what I do and why, and let you in on a few choice tidbits here and there. So why am I here? I'll get my thoughts together and get back to you on that. In the meantime you can check out my website: http://www.kathycaseyart.com/
Welcome to the blogging world! I look forward to reading your thoughts. It is an amazingly supportive, inter-connected world out there. Enjoy!
"When you write – explode – fly apart – disintegrate! Then give time enough to think, cut, rework, and rewrite." Ray Bradbury
Deborah T. Colter
Thanks for your advice. Really need to remember the "give time enough to think" part:)
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